Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation Root Ball! What an awesome evening!

More than 150 people gathered under the oaks on the bluff at Kilkenny Saturday evening, April 23, 2005. Gentle breezes and tiki torches kept the gnats away as guests gathered on the docks to view a full moon rising over St. Catherines Sound — Folks, it just doesn’t get and better than that!

The Courtenay Brothers entertained as guests arrived. Bruce Ford’s Magnolia Grill staff served wonderful hors’ dourves. (The crab cakes were a big hit). Then a huge buffet table was set by The Shrimp Docks at Kilkenny.  And if you missed Lonnie’s Key Lime Pie you truly missed one of life’s great pleasures.

The Silent Auction bidding continued until 8:15 p.m. There were many art items, jewelry, even oak trees that will be planted later by the Foundation.

Thanks to The Shrimp Docks at Kilkenny for a wonderful dinner. Thanks to Bruce Ford’s Magnolia Grill for hors’ dourves (a meal in itself). And a special thanks to Danny Bryant who provided the location and site work and a view from the bluff that you simply can’t buy!

Watch our video clip from the Root Ball.

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Contact Information

Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation
PO BOX 2520
Richmond Hill, GA 31324

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