Fundraising Events

Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation Fundraising Campaign

Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation (CBTF) began in 2001 with a vision of working with the community to create a legacy of trees. Since that time almost 900 volunteers have planted and maintained nearly 2,000 trees in south Bryan County. Apr2010Pack 400 Tree Planting-7913In addition, CBTF has facilitated in the development and passage of a tree ordinance for both Bryan County and the City of Richmond Hill and awarded scholarships to local high school students entering an environmentally friendly field of study.

Last but not least, in partnership with the schools, we enabled a group of teachers to participate in Project Learning Tree taking valuable information back to their classrooms.

This campaign is our primary source of income and with the support of partners like you we’ve been able to accomplish a great deal. It is only with the support of our sponsors that we are able to continue to have a positive impact on our community. 

Please help us to raise our goal of $15,000 that will allow us to continue our important work. We need everyone to make a difference! Your donation today plants trees in our community or provides care for over 2,000 trees planted since 2002. All donations are fully tax deductible and go towards services.

Please contact us today for further program and budget information.

Contact Information

Coastal Bryan Tree Foundation
PO BOX 2520
Richmond Hill, GA 31324

Donations Accepted

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If you would like to make a general donation in the dollar amount of your choice, please click the Donate button above. Or scan the QR code.

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